Request a Specific Light Color for Orlando Public Art Displays

Are you looking for a creative way to spread the word about a cause you are passionate about?

The City of Orlando offers organizations a way to request for Orlando Public Art displays to be lit up in specific colors associated with causes.

Currently, there are nine structures and/or building elements that can be lit in blue, teal, yellow, gold, white, green, orange, pink, purple and red.

Keep in mind:

  • All See Art sculptures are down for repairs. Color change is not available at this time.
  • Color change is not always available on all sculptures.
  • Color change is subject to venue event schedule.
  • Requests should be made at least two weeks in advance of the date of change.
  • Requests made more than 90 days in advance of the date of change will not be approved.
  • A Special Static Display will only be approved one day per year for each  “cause,” regardless of how many organizations request it. 


Step 1.Check your eligibility

We will only approve a lighting request if it meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Comes from a local organization that intends to educate or enlighten the public about a significant health or safety issue (“cause”).
  • Is intended to draw public attention to an activity or event sponsored by the City of Orlando.
  • Promotes an event scheduled at a facility operated by the City Orlando Venues Department. 
  • Promotes a state or national holiday or day of remembrance.
  • Recognizes a significant milestone of a local and community-based organization or effort.
  • Recognizes a hometown sports team. 

Step 2.Gather your information

You will need:

  • Your contact information
  • Information about the cause you are representing
  • The date of the requested light color change

You can ask for specific locations to be changed. Many of the art displays are a part of the See Art Orlando project; details about each display can be found on

View More Information About the Sculptures

Check Calendar for Available Dates

Step 3.Submit a public art lighting request

Enter your information in our online form. You will be able to view images of the locations available as you choose them. 

Submit Public Art Lighting Request

Step 4.We'll reach out to you

Your request will be reviewed and approved in accordance with the city’s Public Art Lighting Change Policy and Operational Guidelines. The city reserves the right to deny and/or prioritize requests.

Once the committee has made a decision, we will reach out to you using the contact information you provided.