Roggernsy Jacotin/Roggy - Wekiva High School
Roggy is well-liked by his peers and faculty. He is very ambitious, goal oriented, and a respectful young man. Roggernsy has excellent leadership qualities, takes the initiative to complete tasks, and intrinsically motivated to be successful academically and life in general. He currently has a 5.19-weighted grade point average while consistently making the A honor roll throughout high school and is currently ranked number one in his senior graduating class.
In addition to conquering his academic rigor, Roggy has dedicated his time and commitment to the community serving as a mentor and working with various nonprofit organizations. He is deeply passionate about helping others and becoming a successful humanitarian and entrepreneur. With his supreme confidence in his academic abilities, he will succeed in any challenging college environment.
Future Plans: Roggy aspires to have a career in sports medicine and plans to attend the University of Virginia, Ohio State University or University of Florida.
Favorite MLK quote: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."