Zaria Brielle Slaughter - Windermere High School

Zaria Brielle

Zaria is hardworking, outgoing, and spontaneous and determined both in and out of class. Zaria contributes enthusiastically and successfully in the community as she does in the classroom and at home, serving as a leader in several areas.

Zaria is a member of the Delta G.E.N.S where she serves as a Secretary and a member of L.A.N.E.S. Both of the groups support and uplift the youth and community. She is a member of the Dance Company, Theatre Company, Cheerleading, Beta Club and the Key Club. Zaria is an advocate of social justice activism, so naturally, she would choose clubs that support that interest. She is a member of the Student Government Association, the Debate team where she serves as the Public Forum President and the Pre-Law Club.

Zaria hopes that she will be able to expand the current viewpoints of civil rights in the country and to develop more laws and initiatives and to be the voice for those whose cries are  unheard. Zaria’s favorite MLK book is "Why We Can't Wait.”

Future Plans: Zaria plans to attend The Howard University, Spelman College, Florida State or FAMU to pursue a degree in law. She hopes to one day become a politician.