Timothy Gittens- Horizon High School
Timothy J Gittens brings light to Dr. King’s legacy of “loving each other” by loving others the way that God taught him to love. Timothy goes on to explain that everyone he comes in contact with deserves conversation and respect, a life of peace and happiness, to have justice, to be loved, to know that their voice matters, that they are important in this world and that their community is better when they are given a chance to shine. As an avid community service worker, Timothy finds that volunteering and giving back are acts of love that can bridge the gaps of separation in age, color, gender, or class. He declares that we find that the humanity in all of us is what binds us together. This also teaches us that our differences matter and become premium only if they are blended together. Timothy is an activist and documents his service by his strong participation in church - playing percussion and singing, donating clothing and food to community organizations, performing in schools, senior homes, community events and fundraisers; and by sharing his talents and knowledge of the arts with all who will listen.
Favorite MLK Quote: “ If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
Future Aspirations: Acting, Production of Music and Film