City Council Highlights – February 12, 2018

Last updated on February 13, 2018


EMS Transport

Public safety has been and will always be the top priority of this City Council. As our city continues to grow we must evaluate the operations of our city departments to ensure we are providing the highest levels of service in the most efficient manner possible. Over the last year, the fire department has undertaken a comprehensive review of best practices and benchmarking of fire departments from around the country. As part of this review, OFD had developed a recommendation for a new model for emergency medical transport services.

Orlando Fire Department Chief Roderick Williams presented their findings to Council.

Watch the City Council Workshop.


Watch the City Council Meeting.

General Items

Neighborhood and Community Summit Recap

On Saturday, Mayor Buddy Dyer hosted the city’s 13th annual Neighborhood and Community Summit. About 400 neighborhood associations, non-profits, civic and faith-based groups were represented. It was a full day of networking and learning and attendees left feeling inspired and motivated!

Special thanks to Bob Kodzis, from Flight of Ideas and Susan Lilley our Poet Laurette who started the morning off with some creative energy!

Mayor Dyer also presented his annual Neighborhood Champion Award to Shirley Bradley from the Clear Lake Neighborhood in District 5 and the Community Builder Award to the Second Harvest Food Bank. Congratulations to Mrs. Bradley and Second Harvest!

Tinker Field History Plaza – Legacy Brick Program

Construction on the Tinker Field History Plaza has begun. As part of this project, we are offering individuals and companies an opportunity to participate in the Legacy Brick program. This opportunity is only available for a limited time.  Visit the city’s website to learn more about the Legacy Brick program

Mayor Dyer thanked Commissioner Hill for her leadership on this project.

Renovations Update/Council Meeting Location Change 

Beginning February 19th, the 2nd floor of City Hall will undergo renovation and there will be no access to City Hall through the 2nd floor. All visitors will need to access City Hall through the 1st floor entrance.

City Council and all other City Board meetings will be held in the temporary Council Chambers in the Terrace Gallery starting the week of Feb. 26

This renovation will also impact other city board meetings.

Items of Note:

B # 1 – Lease Agreement and Memorandum of Lease with Dr. Phillips City Center, LLC for Community Redevelopment Agency/Downtown Development Board Pop-Up Park and Plaza on Orange Avenue and Robinson Streets

Council voted on a lease agreement for land located on the corner of Orange Avenue and Robinson Street. The city desires to use this space as a public gathering space and park amenity while it is undeveloped by the property.

This lease agreement will support one of the Vision Themes from the project DTO Vision Plan for being an awesome outdoor city. Parks enliven and strengthen our city and neighborhoods, making them more attractive places to live, work, play, and thrive. The city is excited about the opportunity to utilize the space and provide this unique amenity to downtown residents and visitors, serving the needs of a growing population.

Hearings/Ordinances/2nd Read:

#1 – Home-Sharing for Short-Term Rentals

Chief City Planner, Jason Burton, presented on this topic.