City Council Highlights – March 20, 2023

Last updated on March 20, 2023

City Council Update 3.20.23 


March Madness Recap 

Last week, our city hosted the best annual sporting event in our country: March Madness. Downtown was filled with basketball fans as six games were played at the Amway Center. 

This is why we invested in the Amway Center and our Community Venues: to bring memorable events for residents to enjoy and to give a boost to small businesses by bringing even more visitors from around the nation to our city. 

We want to thank our partners at the Greater Orlando Sports Commission, as well as our Venues, Economic Development and Transportation teams, and OPD and OFD for ensuring the event was a success. 


C#22-23 – Orlando Main Street District Agreements – Parramore & West Lakes Market Street  

Moving on to items of note, for the past 15 years, Orlando Main Streets have proven to be one of our city’s most successful programs having created thriving commercial districts for residents and visitors alike to dine, shop, gather and be entertained. Today we are looking to approve two additional agreements with the Orlando Main Streets program - Parramore Main Street and West Lakes Market Street, both of which encompass our city’s minority businesses and entrepreneurs. Our Main Streets are an extension of our city, and when they work closely with city staff and their district’s commissioner, we’ve seen just how successful they can be. It is our hope that Parramore Main Street will continue to apply this model and have the same success. 

C#24 – EDV - One Nona Plaza Affordable Housing Agreement 
Also on today’s agenda there’s a vote on the development agreement for One Nona Plaza to commit 10 percent of its new multifamily development as affordable housing. Lake Nona is one of our fastest growing communities and we are committed to ensuring every person who lives in Orlando has equal access to safe, high-quality housing they can afford.

D#2-5 – Community Violence Intervention Agreements 

In an effort to reduce crime and offer support to teenagers and young adults who might not be on the best path forward, we launched our Community Violence Intervention a few months ago using American Rescue Plan Act funding. 

Neighborhood Change Associates are working to help young residents pivot away from gun violence and connect them with wrap-around services that provide them with opportunities to help them thrive.  

On today’s agenda are agreements with the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, Operation New Hope, the Stono Institute for Democracy, Justice and Security, and No Limit Health and Education that allow us to expand the program by: 

  • adding a Neighborhood Change Associate in Rosemont 

  • providing workforce development training and job placement  

  • helping prevent program participants from entering the criminal justice system 

  • and providing access to mental health and substance use treatment. 

CRA#4 – DTO Façade Program Update  

Our last item of note involves the preservation and revitalization of vacant or current buildings that support the long-term viability of downtown Orlando. Today, we look to approve updates to the existing façade program that encourages business owners to make improvements and upgrade their buildings appearance, especially ones facing the path of travel for more pedestrian activity. These incentives help further business retention and make downtown Orlando a desirable place for businesses to relocate.