City Council Highlights – March 30, 2020

Last updated on March 30, 2020

Mayor’s Update 3.30.20 



In the interest of ensuring that the public gets the opportunity to participate in the public hearing process, the following agenda items were deleted from today’s agenda and will be heard at the April 13, 2020, City Council Meeting: 

  • Item 11 (1) under Hearings/Ordinances/1st Read - Ordinance No. 2020-21, a request for a GMP amendment and rezoning for the property located at the southwest corner of West Princeton Street and North John Young Parkway, also known as the District West project.  

  • Item 12 (1) under Hearings/Ordinances/2nd Read- Ordinance No. 2020-11, a request for a GMP amendment and rezoning for the property located at 3750 WD Judge Drive, also known as the Fern Grove project. 

  • Item 15 (1) under Appeals, which is an appeal of the legislative recommendation made by the Municipal Planning Board to the City Council for the District West project;  

  • Item 16 (1) under Quasi-Judicial Hearings, which is a Recommended Order from a Hearing Officer in case # QJ2019-004 relating to a rezoning, Conditional Use Permit and Master Plan for the District West project. 



Good afternoon. As our community continues to take the necessary precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19, we are holding our first virtual City Council meeting. 

This meeting format allows for social distancing among City Council members, city staff and the public, while still allowing for public participation.

By holding this meeting in this new format we are ensuring that city projects, programs and services are moving ahead.  

One thing that is certain in these uncertain times is that our residents and essential businesses are expecting the municipal services that they depend on to continue.  

We want to thank our city staff – those who are working in the field and those working remotely – for their dedication and commitment to continuing to serve our city. Our City Council and our entire community appreciates you. 

Over the last few weeks, the City of Orlando and our partners at Orange County and throughout our region have made difficult decisions, like closing down non-essential businesses and encouraging tele-commuting when possible for other businesses.  

The emergency stay at home order was not something that we wanted to do. It’s something we had to do. 

We have to stop the spread of this virus. We have to flatten the curve and ensure that our family, friends and neighbors don’t get sick, that our hospitals and healthcare system doesn’t get overwhelmed and that our doctors, nurses and first responders have the protective equipment needed to stay safe. 

By staying home, and by practicing social distancing when we must go out for essential activities, every person in our community can make a difference. Let’s continue to spread this message, not the virus. 

One house keeping note as we begin today, we know a number of you did have questions regarding the status of the various 18A permits. To continue to fight the spread of COVID-19 in our community, the city has postponed all events at city-owned facilities and venues until April 15, 2020.  This includes 18As.  We anticipate that many events will immediately begin to reprocess or utilize existing permits on hold with a future date change to move forward when the crisis has subsided.  To address this, the Orlando Police Department has formed an 18A Working Group to evaluate next steps if the need to postpone future events continues as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis.