City Council Highlights - April 22, 2024

Last updated on April 22, 2024

City Council Update 4.22.24


OFD Lieutenant Passing 

It is with a heavy heart that we start our update by recognizing the passing of Orlando Fire Lieutenant Jeffrey Huggins, who was laid to rest this morning. Jeff was kind, compassionate and committed to serving the residents of our community. During this difficult time, we are sending love and support to his family and his colleagues at OFD. Please join us in a moment of silence to recognize Jeff.  

D5 Interim City Commissioner Election  

We want to remind District 5 residents that the Special Election for the District 5 Interim City Commission seat has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 21. Early voting gets underway on Monday, May 13. We encourage residents to visit to learn about ways to cast their ballot. 


Moving on to items of note, 

C5 and CRA1 - SED Developers Agreement and Incentive Agreement 

On today’s agenda we look to approve agreements for the Sports and Entertainment District in downtown Orlando. This mixed-use development supports our work to ensure that downtown is a true neighborhood for everyone.  

The Sports and Entertainment District will strengthen downtown in many ways, including: 

  • adding a large meeting space, which will help bring more events, conventions and visitors downtown... many of which might have passed the urban core in the past 

  • provide a location for small businesses to thrive and 

  • bring more housing options to our community 

The Sports and Entertainment District aligns with our efforts to ensure that downtown has something for everyone and is exceptional each and every day.