City Council Highlights - November 11, 2019

Last updated on November 12, 2019

City Council Update 11.11.19 


Election Update – City Clerk, Denise Aldridge 

Commissioner Gray’s Birthday 

We would like to wish a happy birthday to Commissioner Gray, who’s birthday was on Wednesday, November 6.

Small Business Saturday

On Saturday, November 30, we'd like to invite all residents to make a conscious decision to patronize small, locally-owned businesses in our community by shopping small at one of our nine Main Street Districts for Small Business Saturday!  Shopping small not only helps us check off our holiday gift list, but drives our local economy by reinvesting money in our local businesses and creating new jobs and opportunities.   

Tree Lighting

We are excited to announce that the Tree Lighting Celebration returns to Lake Eola Park on Friday, December 6 from 5 to 9 p.m. Join us for live musical performances, gift shopping in the vendor village, and delicious food and drink available for purchase from ten food trucks. The free event concludes with the official first lighting of the city's 72-foot Christmas tree, featuring 160,000 LED bulbs set to a synchronized lights-and-music show.  


B7- City of Orlando v. Purdue Pharma et al  

As a city, one of our core focuses is to help preserve the health, safety and vitality of our community.  

Across the nation there is a growing epidemic of overdoses and deaths from the abuse of prescription painkillers and heroin.   

Here in Orlando, we are not immune to this crisis and opioid abuse continues to impact our families and city.  

It is important that we continue to work together with our community to break the cycles of addiction, overdose and death that have taken hold here in Orlando. 

On today’s agenda is an item that will help us in that effort as we vote on whether to file litigation against the opioid pain medication industry and take another step in working to fight this public health crisis. 

This litigation is one way that the city continues to work to tackle this crisis and help create real lasting change for our community.  

F1 & F3 – CDBG Funding for West Lakes and Hannibal Square  

On today’s City Council Agenda are two agreements – one with the West Lakes Partnership, Inc. and one with the Hannibal Square Community Land Trust, Inc. – that will allow for the two partners to purchase and rehabilitate up to five single family homes in the West Lakes community to then be sold to eligible low and moderate income households.   

These types of partnership allow for the further revitalization of the historic area of our city by bringing vacant or blighted homes back to life and increasing the housing stock for residents at all income levels.