City Council Highlights – August 12, 2024

Last updated on August 12, 2024

City Council Update 8.12.24

Invocation and Pledge

Call on Interim Commissioner Rose to lead the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Storm Readiness

Last week’s rain and wind from Hurricane Debby was a reminder that it’s storm season. Thankfully our community was not heavily impacted by Debby, but now is the time to prepare, including getting needed supplies. We encourage everyone to get ready for hurricane season and continue to stay informed about weather conditions.

Primary Voting

All elections are important, especially local elections that have an impact on our community and our quality of life. Next Tuesday is Primary Election Day, but you don’t have to wait until August 20 to cast your ballot. Early voting continues through Sunday evening. We encourage everyone to vote and play a role in shaping the future of our community. Visit to get info on how to vote.

Commissioner Ortiz’ Birthday

In just a few weeks, Commissioner Ortiz will celebrate a birthday. As is our tradition, Commissioners, please join us in signing Happy Birthday to Commissioner Ortiz.


B#3, F#1 & F#2 - Accelerate Orlando Funding

We’d like to highlight three items on today’s agenda that leverage federal funds to help us solve some of our community’s greatest challenges.

This includes using Accelerate Orlando funds to help bridge the digital divide and to advance our action plan on unsheltered homelessness.

We are considering funding for 12 new “tables of connection” which operate as small resilience hubs that provide free wi-fi, shade and back-up power to residents in neighborhoods with low internet access.

We are also considering funding to help renovate and expand the Pathways Drop-in Center. The Center provides a safe place during the day for the unsheltered and persons at risk of losing housing who have been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses as well as traumatic brain injuries and other severe brain disorders. Pathways provides its clients essentials like laundry, hot meals and showers and helps guide those who are unhoused into housing.

The city is also receiving a second allocation of funds that will allow us to continue our work with the Christian Service Center on its “RUSH” initiative to assist at least 20 homeless individuals, moving them from the streets into permanent housing.

Similar to last year’s RUSH program, which was incredibly successful, the effort will focus on families in Parramore.

F#21 – ONIC Proposal for Development of Piedmont Street Housing

Creating partnerships to bring more safe, affordable housing to our community remains a priority for the City of Orlando. On today’s agenda is an item to approve a proposal from the Orlando Neighborhood Improvement Corporation to create a 67-unit multifamily development on vacant city land on Piedmont Street.

Commissioner Burns, we know that this is a long-awaited development and we thank you for your leadership in bringing this forward.

B#20 & 21/CRA#5 & 6 – Magnolia Two-Way Streets/Church Street Festival Project

Through Project DTO 2.0, we are moving forward on the work to ensure that downtown is a neighborhood for everyone. Improving mobility for people and helping make businesses more accessible is part of our efforts.

Two items on today’s agenda will support this work. This includes transforming Magnolia Avenue into a two-lane road with parking and integrated LYMMO operations.

Second, we are planning phased improvements to Church Street, starting with converting a section near the SunRail station into a festival street. This will support local events and businesses, enhancing our community’s vibrancy and connectivity.