City Council Highlights – August 6, 2018

Last updated on August 06, 2018


Watch the City Council Meeting.


Commissioner Stuart’s Anniversary

Mayor Buddy Dyer started off the City Council meeting by wishing Commissioner Stuart a happy 42nd wedding anniversary.

Downtown Ambassadors 

Downtown Orlando continues to attract new businesses, residents and visitors to the urban core. As downtown continues to grow, so do the unique needs of the community. Last Wednesday, the downtown Ambassador Program officially relaunched to help further meet the wide-range and variety of those needs, and further elevate the downtown experience for everyone. 

State of the City 

Tuesday, August 7, is Mayor Dyer’s annual State of the City Address, across the street at the Dr. Phillips Center’s DeVos Family Room. This year, Mayor Dyer will be sharing the city’s recent accomplishments, announcing future initiatives, and celebrating 60 reasons to love Orlando.

If you cannot attend, you can stream it on or Facebook Live.


B # 4 – Orlando Citywide Pedestrian Traffic Signals

As a City, one of our top priorities is expanding and enhancing our transportation options to connect more of our residents with access to jobs and opportunity, active lifestyles and reduce our impact on the environment.

Ensuring that these options are safe is a key component to the city’s focus.   Council voted on an item that will further these efforts specifically in our growing Downtown core that continues to see an increase in pedestrian activity.

Through a grant from FDOT, we will be starting a project to make improvements to 37 signalized intersections to enhance pedestrian safety in Downtown including upgrading crosswalks, reconstructing curb ramps, adding audible messaging and optimizing signal timings.

Hearings # 1 – Downtown DRI

City Council held a public hearing on a proposed order rescinding the City of Orlando Downtown DRI Development Order.

Hearings/Ordinances 1st Read # 1 – LDC for accessory dwelling units, townhomes 

Public hearing will be held at our next regularly scheduled City Council meeting.

Hearings/Ordinances 1st Read # 2 – LDC for the approval process for congregate living facilities

Public hearing will be held at our next regularly scheduled City Council meeting.

Hearings/Ordinances/2nd Read # 1 (GMP Amendments) and #2 (Contractors Business Park) 

For the next two hearings related to Planning amendments, Chief Planner, Elisabeth Dang gave a brief presentation.