City Council Highlights – December 9, 2019

Last updated on December 09, 2019

City Council Update 12.9.19 


Happy Holidays 

Good afternoon and thank you for joining us for our last City Council meeting of this decade. It’s our favorite time of the year and we want to wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a happy New Year. 

As we spend time with family and friends, we know that our community will continue to show the compassion that makes Orlando so special by reaching out to support our neighbors in need. 

Commissioner Stuart’s (Nov 27) and Commissioner Ings (Dec 13) Birthday - 

Before we get started, we have a couple of birthdays to celebrate today. We would like to wish a belated birthday to Commissioner Stuart who celebrated his birthday on November 27 and also happy birthday to Commissioner Ings, who’s birthday is coming up this Friday on December 13. 

Please join us in singing happy birthday to both commissioners.

Commissioner Ings Service-  

This is our final City Council meeting of 2019. And it’s also Commissioner Ings’ final City Council meeting.  Commissioner Ings... on behalf of our City Council, we want to thank you for your 13 years of service as Commissioner and also wish you best of luck in your future endeavors. 

Oath of Office 

On January 13 at 10 a.m. we will hold the Oath of Office ceremony for Commissioner Ortiz, Commissioner Sheehan, newly elected District 6 Commissioner Bakari Burns and Mayor Dyer. The ceremony will be held here in Council Chambers.   

Jones and Edgewater Football State Championships -  

We know that we have some Tigers and Eagles here on the dais and we want to send our city’s support to the Jones and Edgewater football teams, who will both play for state championships on Saturday in Daytona Beach. The Tigers will face Miami Northwestern and the Eagles will play Saint Thomas Aquinas. 

Mayor’s City Academy -  

We are now accepting applications for the 2020 Mayor's City Academy. This 11-week program offers city residents a behind the scenes look at their city government. Participants will learn about our sustainability programs, water reclamation, public safety and so much more. Space is limited so apply now at  


D2 & D4 -  

As always there are lots of great things going on in our Families, Parks and Recreation Department and we have a few of those items on our agenda today for agreement.  

The National League of Cities and the United States Tennis Association are making it possible to expand our after-school tennis program to the east side of the city. The program currently at the tennis centre and Jackson Neighborhood Center will soon be offered at the Engelwood Neighborhood Center. 

We’re also getting ready for another exciting year of theater with The Rep. They will be offering their Rockin’ Rep Rec Fest program at four community centers this year with a capstone children’s showcase performance set for April.  

And, finally, the Orlando Ballet STEPS program will allow students in our Recreation after-school program at Dover Shores, Rosemont, Northewest and Colonialtown Neighborhood Centers to take part in the Orlando Ballet’s introductory program at no cost with their capstone performance also scheduled for April at the brand new Harriet’s Orlando Ballet Center.