City Council Highlights – February 20, 2023

Last updated on February 20, 2023

City Council Update 2.20.23 


Lt. Col. Richard A. Ortega Recognition

Our community is fortunate to have so many residents who’ve served our country in the military. Today we will honor one of those veterans who just reached a milestone worthy of celebration – Lieutenant Colonel Richard A. Ortega turned 100 years old. 

Dave Arnott from the Orlando Police Department and the liaison to our Veterans Advisory Council will give us an overview of this special recognition.


Women’s History Month  

March is Women’s History Month where we recognize the contributions women have made and recognize all of their achievements. We are proud that our community is working together to create an environment that advances opportunities for women to achieve their dreams.  

We are also proud to serve alongside Commissioner Sheehan and Commissioner Hill, and so many women city employees who are making and shaping our city’s history. 

And in honor of Women's History Month and the centennial anniversary of women receiving the right to vote throughout the United States, the City of Orlando is partnering with the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites to install two new historical women's suffrage markers on March 7 and 19, at the historic Angebilt building and First Unitarian Church of Orlando, respectively. The markers will commemorate the work of Reverend Mary Safford, a local suffragist who led Orlando women to form and support a statewide suffrage league. Because of Mary's perseverance to advance women's rights, Orlando granted women the right to vote in April of 1919, a year before the 19th amendment was passed granting nationwide voting rights to women.   

Downtown Connector Ribbon Cutting 

Another event we want to mention is later this week, we will officially open our new Downtown Connector Trail that runs along Anderson Street from Summerlin Avenue to Lake Underhill Road across three Commissioner Districts 2, 4 and 5. The new trail features a widened sidewalk that accommodates all types of multi-modal travel from walking and biking to scooters and strollers. Opening this path will also bring us another step closer to completing our 8.5-mile Downtown Loop that will connect more than a dozen neighborhoods and the Orlando Urban Trail, Gertrude’s Walk, Lake Underhill Path, Bumby Path and Cady Way Trail. 


C#5 – DEA Mobile Food Cart Pilot  

Moving on now to items of note, we take great pride in our diverse food scene and helping to continue to make our downtown a safe, great place to live, work and visit.  

On today’s agenda, we’re approving a pilot to allow for the safe operation of mobile food carts in the downtown entertainment area. These carts provide a great option for our entrepreneur chefs to show off their skills and we are happy this pilot will support them.