City Council Highlights – June 26, 2023

Last updated on June 26, 2023

City Council Update 6.26.23 


Adam B. Walosik Employee Retirement – 34 Years of Service

Today, we are celebrating 34 years of service with Public Works Construction Manager, Adam Walosik. We would like to call on Corey Knight, Public Works Director, to introduce this item and help us recognize Adam’s years of service with the City of Orlando.

Adam, congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your many years of service to the city and our residents.


Before we start the Mayor’s Update, we would like to acknowledge we have a very special guest with us today – Congressman Darren Soto – whose district includes much of southeast Orlando and who is constantly supporting our efforts and advocating for Orlando’s needs.

Congressman Soto has been hard at work for us in Washington D.C., and he is here to announce some of the results of that hard work with another federal appropriation for our city. 

Thank you, Congressman Soto for all you do for the City of Orlando.

Reverand Dr. Randolph Bracy Jr. Passing

We are sad to share that one of our community’s greatest champions of civil rights - Reverand Dr. Randolph Bracy Junior - passed away last week.

Dr. Bracy was head of the Orange County NAACP branch and founder and religious leader at New Covenant Baptist Church in Orlando. He was a spiritual guide for many, as well as a beloved community leader, instrumental in creating jobs, housing and educational opportunities for all Floridians. We're forever grateful for his vision, strength and partnership to improve the lives of those in our community. He will be missed, but his impact and legacy of public service will live on in our community.

Please join us in a moment of silence to honor him.

Commissioner Sheehan Birthday

Coming up we have something to celebrate our District 4 City Commissioner Patty Sheehan’s birthday.

Fourth of July Celebration

Also coming up, we want to invite the community to join us for our 46th annual Fireworks at the Fountain event at Lake Eola Park. Festivities on the 4th will begin at 4 p.m. and conclude with a fireworks display at 9:10 p.m. accompanied by the Orlando Concert Band.


A#2 – Mayor's Matching Grant

Moving on to items of note, we’d like to highlight that today we’ll vote to approve 19 Mayor Matching Grants to support local schools, neighborhood associations and non-profits. This $99,000 in grant funding will go toward enhancing our community’s quality of life and out-of-school opportunities for our youth totaling

We have representatives from many of these organizations here today and watching our live broadcast. We would also like to thank those who served on the Mayor's Matching Grant Review Committee with our Office of Community Affairs staff.