City Council Highlights – March 19, 2018

Last updated on March 19, 2018



Puerto Rico Mission Trip

Commissioner Hill along with Commissioner Ortiz will join with 32 students from all youth programs in Puerto Rico during their spring break to perform various service projects assisting with the island’s Hurricane Maria recovery efforts.

Mayor Buddy Dyer had the chance to wish the students well on their trip last Friday before they left, and they were all very excited about the work they’re doing.

Sustainability Campaign Launch/Earth Hour

This year, the City of Orlando is kicking off Earth Month a little early by joining more than 180 countries all over the world to participate in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 24 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

During that hour, the City will turn off the lights to the Lake Eola fountain and non-essential lights in our City-owned buildings to raise awareness about energy conservation and climate change – and we are encouraging residents and local businesses to join us.

This event is part of Orlando’s continued efforts to be one of the most sustainable cities in the nation and will kickoff the City’s Earth Month campaign.

Sound Bites event

Also coming up next month is Orlando Sound Bites, the City of Orlando’s newest signature event.

This free festival on the East Lawn of Lake Eola Park is a combination of Orlando’s hip culinary scene and live indie outlaw country music. We’re excited to host headlining band The Cadillac Three alongside two great local acts, The Sh-Booms and Sean Holcomb.

Orlando Sound Bites kicks off at 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 7 just after the first day of Spring Fiesta in the Park concludes. Learn more at


G # 1 – Mennello Museum Loan and Gift Agreement

The City of Orlando has worked hard to incorporate arts into everything we do as a community and to increase these types of cultural offerings for our residents and visitors.

Council voted on an agreement that will help further those efforts growing our burgeoning arts and culture scene and specifically our Mennello Museum of American Art.

Thanks to a generous donation from Michael A. Mennello, and in honor of Marilyn L. Mennello, the museum will add several world-renowned American works of art to greatly enhance the collection of the museum – including 14 paintings and five sculptures permanently gifted and an additional 20 works loaned long-term.

This generous donation also includes two legacy gifts, including a $1 million dollar gift and annual funding commitments from Mr. Mennello’s Foundation to further support the work of the museum.

Mayor Dyer thanked Mr. Mennello for his countless contributions to Orlando’s arts community and for entrusting the City with continuing his legacy and passion for arts and culture for generations to come.

Orlando would not be the city it is today without Michael and Marilyn’s influence and enthusiasm for the arts.

Mayor Dyer also recognized all the members of the Friends of the Mennello Museum Art Board.

B # 12 – Ability Housing Purchase and Sales Agreement

The city has been working with Ability Housing to bring new affordable housing units to previously blighted sites on Mercy Drive.

City Council made some final changes to the Purchase and Sale Agreement that will allow the city to close on the sale of land to Ability Housing this week with groundbreaking expected next month. When complete in August of 2019, the development will bring 166 new multi-family units to the area with 50% for permanent supportive housing for the chronically homeless.

Mayor Dyer thanked Shannon Nazworth, President and CEO of Ability Housing for their partnership and helping increase the inventory of affordable housing in Orlando.

B # 5 – City of Orlando Bicycle Plan Update

City Council voted on an item that will expand the city’s bicycling infrastructure. Through the development and implementation of our Bicycle plan in 2008, we’ve been able to make strategic investments, including expanding our trail network, creating more bike lanes, establishing a bike share program and opening a mountain bike park.

In order to continue our success in building a safer and more convenient transportation network, we will be embarking on a comprehensive update to our Bicycle Plan this year to help guide us as we continue to strive to be not only the City Beautiful – but the City Bike-able!

New Business # 1 – Appeal by J. Malever Construction Co. On Leu Gardens Stormwater Improvements

Council considered an appeal in regards to the Leu Gardens Stormwater Improvements Project, IFB18-0057

New Business # 2 – Award of Contract to Gregori Construction, Inc. For Leu Gardens Stormwater Improvement