Council Highlights – April 4, 2022

Last updated on April 04, 2022

Council Update – April 4, 2022


Community Response Team

Over the last nearly two years, the City of Orlando has taken many actions to help create a more equitable and inclusive community for all residents. 

Ensuring that every person feels equally valued and protected during interactions with the Orlando Police Department is a big part of those efforts.

Last March, we launched our Community Response Team pilot program to provide a more compassionate and effective response to assist those experiencing a behavioral health crisis. 

Through our partnership with Aspire Health Partners, Community Response Team members are responding to some 911 calls that OPD receives. They are focused on de-escalation and connecting those in need to treatment and support.

Electric Mobility Roadmap

Switching over to our next workshop presentation, a key priority for our city is to shift our reliance toward multimodal transportation options like biking, carpooling, and mass transit, while reducing our emissions by moving away from fossil fuels and single-occupancy vehicle use.

To help us reach this goal, last year the City of Orlando convened an Electric Mobility Task Force of transportation stakeholders to develop the Orlando E-Mobility Roadmap. 

This plan includes goals to:

  • Make EV access equitable and affordable, 
  • Encourage the acceleration of EV adoption in multiple transportation sectors, 
  • Develop a robust charging ecosystem, and
  • Advance multimodal e-mobility options. 


John Perrone, Parks Division Manager – 34 Years of Service

Today we are celebrating 34 years of service with Parks Division Manager, John Perrone. 

John, congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your many years of service to the city and our residents.



General Items

Ford Kiene Passing

We are sad to share that one of our community’s most active supporters, Ford Kienepassed away late last week. Ford was a successful businessman, but also a compassionate philanthropist and advocate for the arts and culture. 

He helped create the Downtown Arts District, restored the historic Rogers-Kiene Building and was active on the Dr. Phillips Center and Florida Citrus Sports Boards.

Ford was brilliant, generous and kind. He will be missed, but his impact will certainly continue on in our community. 

Rick Howard’s Last City Council Meeting 

After more than 38 years with the City of Orlando, this will be the final City Council meeting for Rick Howard. Rick has served as the Public Works Director for the last 11 years.

Rick, we will present you with your retirement proclamation at a staff celebration later this month. But we also want to thank you today for your dedication and commitment to our community.

Some of the most important services that the City of Orlando provides are from our Public Works Department, and your work to ensure that those services have been delivered efficiently is so appreciated. Thank you, Rick.

Items of Note

A#2 - Orlando Electric Mobility Roadmap Resolution

Moving on to items of note, this morning we heard a workshop about our electric mobility roadmap, which will help our city strive toward relying on multimodal transportation options like biking, carpooling, and mass transit, while reducing our emissions by moving away from fossil fuels. 

On the today’s agenda is a resolution to adopt the strategies outlined in this e-mobility roadmap plan.

B#4 - CRT & Constitutional Office of Policing

Additionally, this morning we heard a workshop on our Community Response Team, a critical part of our Community Trust and Equity initiative to ensure every resident feels equally valued and protected here in our city.  The program has made great strides in providing an alternative response to mental and behavioral health calls, redefining the role of a first responder and utilizing trained behavioral health professionals in these roles. Over the first year of the pilot, we have responded to 956 citizens and connected more than half of those individuals to local resources and support services. 

And also on today’s agenda is another item related to our Orlando Police Department and furthering equity in our community. Today we’ll vote on an item that will establish a new office of Constitutional Policing at OPD. The new office will build on our efforts to further community policing, transparency and equity between officers and the public they serve. Additionally, this office will assist in the implementation of the recommendations outlined by The Bowman Group, who did an in-depth, independent analysis of the Orlando Police Department to identify opportunities to further transparency and equity in policing efforts, policies, training, operational practices, technology, equipment and data tracking.

J#1 Transportation Sales Tax Initiative Resolution of Support

Lastly, as it is important for residents to have a variety of mobility options that safely and conveniently connect them to the places that they need and want to go to. On today’s agenda is a resolution of support for the Orange County Commission to place the Transportation Sales Tax on the November 8, 2022 ballot where citizens will have the opportunity to vote on this initiative.