Council Highlights – August 10, 2020

Last updated on August 10, 2020


General Items  

Happy Birthday, Commissioner Regina Hill and Commissioner Tony Ortiz! 

We are five days early but we wanted to wish Commissioner Hill a Happy Early Birthday! We hope you enjoy your day on Saturday!

Also, Happy Early Birthday to Commissioner Ortiz. We know your birthday is next Tuesday but we wanted to wish you a great birthday as well. 

Orlando Business Journal #1 Healthiest Employer 

We are pleased to announce that the City of Orlando was ranked number one Healthiest Employer for the second year in a row by the Orlando Business Journal. 

Cited in their article, healthy employees in the workplace tend to be more productive and we are honored that we are number one again. Health and safety is important especially during this pandemic and we must take care of ourselves, to take care of others. 

Black Business Month  

This is a challenging time for small business owners, and it remains so important that we continue to support the local businesses that make our community more vibrant and provide jobs and opportunities to so many in our city. August is National Black Business Month and we encourage everyone in our community to use this month to support our city’s many Black-owned businesses.  

It doesn’t matter if you order takeout or delivery, shop in person or make an online purchase. Your support of these businesses helps increase economic equality. We also want to add that as we continue our efforts to make Orlando a welcoming, equitable city for all, the City of Orlando remains committed to supporting Black-owned small businesses through our M-W-B-E and business assistance programs.  

Items of Note 

Moving to the agenda, there are several items of note, we would like to highlight.

F #1 #2 & #3 – Housing CARES Act Funds  

Protecting and supporting residents experiencing homelessness continues to be a critical focus for us as they are some of the most vulnerable in our community. On today’s agenda are two items designed to protect those experiencing homelessness from the spread of COVID-19. 

We’re providing federal Emergency Solutions Grant funds to the Salvation Army to continue operating their expanded shelter operations with tents and cots and providing three meals per day with laundry services, clothing, showers and counseling. Additionally, federal grant funds will be provided to Family Promise of Greater Orlando to assist approximately 15 families in moving from temporary shelter situations into permanent residences.  

Also, today we’re approving our 2020 Action Plan for how the city proposes to use the more than $8 million we're anticipated to be awarded by HUD for the year ahead. These funds help us further advance our goals for supporting those experiencing homelessness, re-housing those on the verge of homelessness and our affordable housing initiatives which are more important than ever as so many residents continue to face financial impacts as a result of COVID-19.    

The federal funds we receive from HUD are formula-based, meaning funds are allocated to our city largely based on the size of our population. This is another reason why it is so important that every household in our community completes the U.S. Census. An accurate count in Orlando will help ensure that our community gets the federal funding that we need for key services and initiatives.  

Please make sure you are counted by September 30. 

EDV #9 #11 & CRA #1, #2, #3 - COVID Business Relief  

The city remains committed to seeing our local economy recover from the financial impact of this unpreceded global pandemic. On today’s agenda, we will be voting to extend the programs and amenities that our business community depends on to help to expedite a path to recovery while further ensuring the safety of employees and patrons.  

This includes extending outdoor dining and marketing, parking validations thru Park DTO, funding related to downtown food trucks and the extension of the MEBA rent abatement program. 

The extensions will now run through February 1, 2021 – and we will continue to suspend the need for businesses to obtain any permits or pay any fees for these programs.  

B #10– Grand Avenue  

Orlando remains committed to investing in our neighborhoods by providing enhanced infrastructure that helps residents thrive. 

The pre-construction design phase for the renovation of the Grand Avenue Neighborhood Center is complete. On today’s agenda is an item that will allow us to break ground and begin construction this summer with completion expected in Fall 2021.  

This project will bring needed services of recreation and wellness, by adding a new gym, recreation fields, a pottery studio, location for Parramore Kidz Zone, and an expansion of after-school and summer kid programs to the Holden Heights community while also preserving our city’s history.