Council Highlights – November 8, 2021

Last updated on November 08, 2021

Council Update - November 8, 2021

General Items 

Election Results 

Last Tuesday was Election Day and we want to congratulate Commissioners Gray, Stuart and Hill on being re-elected to serve the residents of Districts 1, 3 and 5. We also want to thank the City Clerk’s office and the staff and the volunteers at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections for making voting accessible for residents by mail, through early voting and at the polls on Election Day. 

Birthdays – Commissioner Gray 11/6 and Commissioner Stuart 11/27 

As this is our only City Council meeting this month, we wanted to take this time to wish Commissioner Gray a happy belated birthday, and Commissioner Stuart an upcoming happy birthday. 

Veterans Day Parade  

Speaking of upcoming celebrations, on Saturday, our community will have the opportunity to thank those who served as our annual City of Orlando Veterans Day Parade returns to downtown Orlando. We encourage every person in our community to join us to recognize and celebrate our city’s veterans during the parade.  

Visit to learn more about the parade, which begins at 11 a.m. 

David Serdar  

We have one sad piece of news to share. For the last few years David Serdar frequently spoke at our City Council meetings, joining us to express his support for our many sustainability initiatives. We are very sad to share that he recently passed away after being involved in an accident up in Lake County. 

David was passionate about addressing climate change and about the impact that local government can have on serious challenges that affect the future. He will be missed at our meetings, and we send our condolences to his family and friends. 

Items of Note 

A#1 – Community Investment Program Grants  

Finally, moving over to items of note, today we are excited to recognize the Community Investment Program award recipients for Fiscal year 2021-2022. We have representatives with us, or watching virtually, from the 38 human-service nonprofit organizations that are recommended to receive CIP grants. 

These organizations provide vital services to Orlando residents in several focus areas: homeless program support, family sustainability, domestic violence prevention, support of seniors and hunger relief.  

The City of Orlando is proud to invest in these efforts that help us solve community challenges and meet the needs of our community. This year’s budget allows us to award more than 2.4 million dollars in CIP grant funds.