Council Highlights – November 9, 2020

Last updated on November 09, 2020

Council Update - November 9, 2020 

General Items  

Commissioner Gray’s Birthday 
We want to wish Commissioner Gray a Happy Belated Birthday. His birthday was last Friday. Commissioner – we hope you had a great day. 

Veterans Day  

This Wednesday is Veterans Day, and although we are not able to host our annual parade because of the coronavirus still in our community, we still want to ensure we recognize and thank all of our city’s veterans. Please know that our community is so grateful for your bravery, patriotism and service to our country.  

Although, we made the tough decision to not host our Veterans Day Parade for the public safety of everyone, instead our Veterans Advisory Council will participate in the non-profit veteran service organization, Soldiers’ Angels, monthly mobile food distribution. This food distribution will provide more than 270 veteran families with food for this upcoming holiday season. 

Items of Note 

Housing #1 – ESG COVID-19 CARES Act Funding to Coalition for the Homeless 

Lastly, we'd like to highlight an item on today’s agenda that will allow us to provide federal Emergency Solutions Grant funds to the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida for their rapid re-housing program that moves people out of shelters and into permanent homes.  

Residents experiencing homelessness are some of the most vulnerable in our community and protecting and supporting them during this pandemic continues to remain a priority for the City of Orlando.  

It’s estimated that this funding will help 160 people move from temporary shelter situations into permanent residences, supporting our community’s efforts to provide permanent, supportive housing to chronically homeless individuals.