Council Highlights – October 19, 2020

Last updated on October 19, 2020

Council Update - October 19, 2020  

General Items  

Commissioner Lynum Recognition 
We want to begin by sending the City Council’s condolences to the family of Commissioner Daisy Lynum, who passed away recently. Commissioner Lynum served our community as a member of this Council for 16 years, representing District 5 until 2014. 

She was one of the longest-tenured commissioners in our city’s history and served with great dedication and passion. Commissioner Lynum fought hard every day for her district and its residents. Her legacy lives on and can be seen throughout District 5 in buildings like the Amway Center, FAMU College of Law and City View. 

But most importantly, she will always be remembered for improving the quality of life for residents by championing educational, career training, healthcare and economic development initiatives. 

Please join us in a moment of silence to recognize Commissioner Lynum. 

COVID-19 Update 
As you all know, the COVID-19 virus is still in our community and we want to thank everyone who continues their efforts in controlling the spread of the virus by taking pandemic precautions. It’s those simple every day acts of wearing a mask fully over your nose and mouth, washing your hands diligently and physically distancing from others when possible that make difference and help to control the spread of this virus. 
Early Voting  
Beginning today and through Sunday, November 1, the Disney Atrium inside the Amway Center will serve as an Early Voting site daily from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. This marks the first time the arena has been able to serve the local community in this capacity. We want to encourage residents to let their voice be heard and vote on this upcoming election. 

Items of Note 
Hearings #1 – Holocaust Center Lease Agreement 

Also on today’s agenda is a public hearing on a proposed lease agreement with the Holocaust Center to build a world-class cultural destination in Downtown Orlando.  

This will be more than just a destination for culture and education, it will also further our work to ensure Orlando is a place where every resident is equally valued, equally protected and has equitable access to opportunities.  

We are proud of this partnership with the Holocaust Center, whose mission aligns with these efforts to be an inclusive city that embraces diversity and promotes equality and respect for everyone.  

We will have further discussion on this item during the public hearing later in today’s meeting.