Council Highlights – September 21, 2020

Last updated on September 21, 2020


General Items  

Remembering Ms. Vinnie Cannady 

This weekend, our community lost one of our great neighborhood leaders and friends, Vinnie Cannady. As a leader in the Parramore neighborhood, Ms. Vinnie had an enormous impact on her community. She built the Carter Street Neighborhood Association from the ground up and developed relationships with her neighbors, elected officials and city staff which made lasting and impactful change in her community. 

Under her leadership, Carter Street developed into a thriving association. She led the Sock it to Me campaign which collected thousands of socks for the Orlando Union Rescue Mission every Christmas. The association hosted National Night Out parties, established an after-school tutoring program and held clean-up events. They were OPD’s Neighborhood Watch of the Year, started a walking school bus to ensure children made it to school safely and so much more.  

Ms. Vinnie was honored as the City’s Neighborhood Champion of the Year in 2016 and numerous other accolades from her community.  

She was the kind of woman who always had a smile on her face and a positive attitude despite difficult circumstances. We will miss Ms. Vinnie but are so grateful for the legacy that she leaves behind and for making our community a better place to live. 

COVID-19 Update  

It’s hard to believe but it’s now been more than six months since COVID-19 first impacted our community. Just as important now as it was then, our individual and collective actions continue to remain critical to keeping our community safe and healthy.  

We are moving in the right direction and by taking pandemic precautions like wearing face coverings and being diligent with physical distancing, we can keep fighting this virus together as a community.  

We want to thank every person in Orlando for continuing to take this virus seriously. We also want to thank our City of Orlando staff for continuing to serve our community to the best of their ability each day. 

Final Budget Hearing Reminder  

As a reminder, tonight at 5:01 p.m. we will host our second and final budget hearing before our FY 20-21 budget takes effect on October 1. Our proposed budget ensures we continue to deliver the superior level of services on which our residents and businesses rely, all without having to raise the millage rate for the seventh year in a row. Our budget also shows our commitment to investing in programs and resources that ensure every resident is equally protected and has equal access to opportunity. 

We encourage you to tune in to tonight’s hearing or visit to learn more.