Council Highlights – September 8, 2020

Last updated on September 08, 2020


General Items  

Condolences for Commissioner Hill and Commissioner Burns  

We’d like to begin by offering the City Council’s condolences to Commissioner Hill and Commissioner Burns. Commissioner Hill, we send our sympathy for the recent passing of your brother, Edward Lewis-Hill. And Commissioner Burns, please accept our condolences on the passing of your grandmother, Arizona Albert Page. Our thoughts and support are with you and your families during this difficult time.  

Florida League of Cities Elects New Officers for 2020-2021  

Commissioner Ortiz, we’d like to congratulate you on your election as President of the Florida League of Cities. The Florida League of Cities is comprised of more than 400 municipalities statewide. Commissioner, we thank you for your commitment to helping empower municipal governments and promote local self-government.  

Budget Hearing 

Over the last several months, we’ve been preparing our proposed Fiscal Year 20-21 budget. At the same time, we’ve continued to face the COVID-19 pandemic and answer the call to end systemic racism. We're proud that both of these priorities are also being addressed in this year’s budget.  

We’re continuing to invest in youth programs, economic development, affordable housing and job training and we’re adding a new position of Equity Official to ensure the actions we take as a city are aligned with efforts to dismantle systemic racism.  

We’re refocusing Orlando Police Department funds for the research and piloting of a co-responder model to partner with mental health and social service professionals to respond to specific calls for service and redirecting funds to provide enhanced use of force de-escalation training, mental health support for officers and more community-oriented policing.  

The city’s budget ensures we continue to deliver the superior services, programs and amenities that our community depends on without raising the millage rate for the seventh year in a row.  

The investments outlined in this year’s budget strengthen our efforts to create a city where every person who calls Orlando home is equally valued, equally protected and has equitable access to opportunity.  

As our budget process continues, tomorrow at 5:01 p.m., we’ll have the first of two public budget hearings. We encourage you to learn more by tuning in to tomorrow’s budget hearing or visiting

Hispanic Heritage Month  

Next week marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, and although we aren’t able to host our annual celebration, we’re still joining our community to recognize the contributions and cultural influence of Hispanic residents in Orlando. We’ll be using our city social media platforms for Hispanic Heritage Month recognitions and are also hosting virtual workshops focused on topics and issues of concern to Hispanic residents. For more information on the virtual workshops, please contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs by email at

Items of Note 

COVID-19 Update  

We want to once again thank every person in our community as we continue to work to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We must continue to remain diligent. Keep protecting yourself and every person in Orlando by wearing a face covering, keeping distance from others and with good personal hygiene like hand washing. 

There are several items on today’s agenda that will help bring assistance and relief for our businesses, our residents and some of our most vulnerable. 

C#10 & CRA#7 Parklet Program  


The first item will help further our efforts to continue to seek innovative ways to support businesses to expand their operations while also promoting physical distancing and making sure these establishments are safe for employees and patrons.  

Through a Temporary Use Permit process we will allow downtown businesses to expand their retail sales and restaurant seating operations into adjacent on-street parking spaces and provide CRA funding to support businesses that would like to expand their operation into these new parklets.  

This program will be available to businesses with no requirements for them to obtain any permits or pay any fees. 

F#14 Agreement with Heart of Florida United Way COVID Rental Assistance Program  


Also, on today’s agenda is an item that allow us to leverage federal funds to advance our goals of supporting those experiencing homelessness and our affordable housing initiatives, which are more important than ever as so many residents continue to face financial impacts as a result of COVID-19.     

We’re also approving a funding agreement with Heart of Florida United Way to administer a new Rental Assistance Program for city residents that will provide grants of up to $10,000 per household to cover rent payments not made between March 1 through October 31, 2020.  

Information about the program can be found at and completed applications can be submitted starting Wednesday, September 23. 

Funding for this program comes from Coronavirus Relief Funds received from the State of Florida and we anticipate being able to assist an estimated 300 households with the available funding. 

We are grateful this assistance will alleviate the fear and anxiety of eviction for some Orlando families. 

A#3 SALT Agreement  


And lastly related to COVID assistance, protecting and supporting residents experiencing homelessness continues to be a critical focus for us as they are some of the most vulnerable in our community.   

On today’s agenda to protect those experiencing homelessness from the spread of COVID-19, funding will be voted on for the SALT bus to continue operations in providing showers, haircuts, laundry service and hygiene items through September 2021. 

Protecting and supporting residents experiencing homelessness continues to be a critical focus for us as they are some of the most vulnerable in our community.