Council Highlights – June 6, 2022

Last updated on June 06, 2022

Council Update – June 6, 2022


Permitting Services Workshop  

Today, we are going to hear an update on our Permitting & Development Services, which is one of the core functions of a municipal government.  

As a city, making this core function easy for our residents and businesses to use is key for us, so to help further that we moved all of our development services into a one-stop shop allowing our customers to access all Departments and Disciplines in one location.  

Furthermore, before the pandemic impacted our world, we had already moved a number of city services online – including our permitting services – which allowed us to continue processing permits without any gaps in service. 

And, in fact, our permitting numbers citywide remained steady during COVID which can likely be attributed to our readiness to serve our clients virtually. 

As you can see, we have evolved and enhanced our services over time, particularly over the past few years. And so today, our workshop will be focused on our Permitting & Development Services beginning with an update from Lillian Payne, Deputy Director of the Economic Development Department.  




Juneteenth Proclamation  

In just under two weeks, our community will celebrate Juneteenth and the end of slavery in the United States on June 19th, 1865. Every year, commemorating Juneteenth gives us the opportunity celebrate our nation’s civil rights progress, but also recognize that the struggle for equity continues for Black Americans.  


General Items 

Commissioner Sheehan Mother Condolence 

On behalf of the entire City Council... and our entire community, I want to send our condolences to Commissioner Sheehan. This morning, her mother - Jean Marie Delfino Sheehan Stacy – passed away.  

We all know that Commissioner Sheehan was incredibly close with her mother. During this difficult time, we send our love and support to her, as well as her sisters and entire family. 

Pulse 6-Year Mark  

On another sad note, our City continues to send our love and support to – too many - communities recently experiencing unthinkable terror from the impacts of gun violence.  

Our community knows all too well the impact of hateful acts as this Sunday is the six-year mark of the Pulse tragedy. This will be a difficult time for so many in Orlando as we honor the 49 angels taken too soon, recognize the resilience of the survivors and victims’ families and show our appreciation for our first responders and medical staff.  

I want to remind anyone directly impacted by the tragedy that help and hope is still available through our Orlando United Assistance Center. And that I remain proud that our community continues to respond to one hateful act with love, compassion and unity as we work to keep Orlando welcoming and inclusive for all.   

RISE Office Opening  

Last week, we celebrated the launch of the new RISE Employment & Training Program, a partnership with CareerSource Central Florida.  

This new program provides by-appointment, in-person assistance to connect residents to job training and employment opportunities along with comprehensive social services and case management to help participants succeed on their new career path. 

If you or someone you know is looking for their next career move, encourage them to visit Orlando-dot-gov-slash RISE to learn more about the program.  


Items of Note 

Redistricting Final Report and Recommended Plan  

Moving onto items of note from the agenda, today we will vote to accept the City of Orlando 2022 Redistricting Advisory Board’s Final Report and Recommended Plan for Redistricting.   

While the redistricting process can be technically complex and fraught with tough choices, it is also a time-honored tradition in our democracy, one that helps guarantee the protection of equal voting rights. The outcome of today’s vote will directly impact the governance of the City of Orlando for many years to come. 

Briefly, I’d like to ask the volunteer Board Vice Chair, Alana Brennan, to come up and give us an overview of the process and the Board’s recommendation

Matching Grant Awards  

Also on today's agenda, we’ll vote to award funding for 14 grants in the second cycle of the Mayor's Matching Grant program, which has created meaningful partnerships with our city's nonprofits, neighborhood organizations and schools for more than 25 years.   

These grants will support our local non-profit organizations and schools that provide critical after-school mentoring programs and increase access to creative arts, education, culture, career exploration and athletic programs for our city’s youth, plus two neighborhood organizations will implement physical improvement projects to beautify their neighborhood entranceways. 

We have representatives from many of these organizations and members of our Mayor's Matching Grant review panel here today -- and others are watching our live broadcast.

Thank you for your service and for helping us shape a brighter, better future for everyone in our city. 

GMP Amendment – re: affordable housing 

Also on today's agenda is the initiation of a growth management plan amendment that removes potential barriers in the city code that could limit where and how affordable housing is developed.  

There is no denying, access to quality housing that is affordable continues to be one of our community’s most pressing challenges.  

To increase our inventory of housing units in Central Florida and drive down the high demand we’re experiencing, we need everyone - public, private and not-for-profit leaders - to play their role in helping to deliver more housing units. 

As a government, we will continue to do everything we can to remove any hurdles that allow the private or non-profit sector from delivering more housing units in our community and ultimately helping us to overcome our housing challenges. 

Luminaries Memorials at Luminary Green Park 

And lastly on today's agenda is an item I’d like to highlight as we near the completion of Luminary Green, the new public park at Creative Village, 

Part of the park will include lighting features that posthumously honor community leaders - or “Luminaries” - for outstanding contributions made to the Parramore-Holden Community during their lifetime.   

You can see the names of the first 12 Luminaries - we’re approving today - who will be honored in the inaugural class and learn more about the Luminary nomination and selection process at  

Construction on Luminary Green is expected to be completed later this summer and will include a special dedication to honor the Luminaries.  

The park is going to be a special and meaningful place for all residents and visitors to Creative Village.