Council Highlights – March 25, 2019

Last updated on March 28, 2019



New Zealand Shooting  – Mayor’s statement


Sadly, here in Orlando we know the incredibly long and difficult path that lies ahead for the communities in New Zealand and everyone impacted by what happened there following the tragic mosque shooting there earlier this month. 

In the aftermath of Pulse, communities across the world shared their love and strength with us. 

Today, I’d ask that we all pause for a few moments to do the same. 

Please join me in a moment of silence to send our thoughts and prayers to New Zealand… and all of those who are hurting right now. 

Moment of silence  

Thank you. 


Earth Month (April) 

Next week will be April and with that comes Earth Month! 

Here at the City we work every day to foster positive environmental changes in our community, and during the month of April to celebrate Earth Month, is no different. 

Anyone can get involved in Earth Month and our sustainability efforts. – including attending our Earth Day Work Day event outside City Hall in our City Commons Plaza on Friday, April 19 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 

The event will feature sustainability-focused giveaways, activities and tips to take home that will help us continue to work to become the most sustainable city in the nation.   

All month long, don’t forget to encourage your family, friends and neighbors to join in making a difference through things like recycling, planting trees, composting and more. 


City of Orlando’s Second Annual Civil Rights Award Ceremony  

As part of our community’s commitment to inclusion and diversity, we will host the second annual Civil Rights Awards Ceremony and Banquet on Thursday, April 4th at 6 p.m. at the Rosen Shingle Creek.  

At the event we will honor those in the Orlando community who have dedicated their lives to fight for civil rights and equality.  


HOLA Anniversary   

During the month of April, the City of Orlando Hispanic Office for Local Assistance willcelebrate their 15th Anniversary.   

For the last 15 years, our HOLA Office has provided valuable information and referral services toour bilingual residents and other newcomers to Central Florida, connecting them with more than 100 government and community organizations to find jobs, housing, healthcare services, educational opportunities and other resources. 

Join us for an Open House event to celebrate 15 years of service on Friday, April 5, 2019  from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.  The event will feature refreshments and a tour of the office. 


Pedestrian Bridge Opening 

Announcement that the new Colonial Overpass Bridge opened to the public last week.  

This new downtown pedestrian bridge offers an enhanced mobility option for pedestrians, cyclists, bus and rail riders and others, while helping to alleviate congestion on the roadways and expanding the range of transportation options for those living, working or visiting downtown Orlando.  

Everyone is invited to join us for an official ribbon cutting and celebration of this important milestone – at the Colonial Overpass – on Tuesday, April 16th at 10 a.m.