Blue Jacket Park

Bridge at Blue Jacket Park

For over 30 years, this site served as the Orlando Naval Training Center and was “home” to thousands of service personnel known as “Blue Jackets.”

In 2000, the City of Orlando designated 75 acres of this historic site as a public park to serve its citizens with a special place for reflection and physical renewal.

Blue Jacket Park is a popular site for baseball, soccer and softball. It is home to many events such as:

  • Fundraising walks
  • 5k runs
  • Wedding ceremonies
  • Birthday parties
  • Company picnics 

Navy History Wall

The Navy History Wall is located in Blue Jacket Park which sits on the site of the former Orlando Naval Training Center parade grounds. For over 30 years Navy recruits made the transition from civilian to sailor at this site.

The Memorial Wall is 10 panels that tell the story of the Navy’s history in Orlando in pictures and words including the mission, and several panels describing the recruit experience, the Lone Sailor, the female Blue Jacket Recruit statue and what the Navy is doing today in Orlando. The history wall, statues, pier monument and compass rose are located at the south end of Blue Jacket Park in front of the baseball fields.


2501 General Rees Avenue, Orlando, FL 32814  View Map