Do you need to remove a tree from your property?
The City issues tree removal or encroachment permits to protect the environment and make sure that only unhealthy, dead, hazardous or problematic trees are cut down.
For Residential Property: A permit is not required if the property owner obtains a report from an arborist who is TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification) certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida-licensed landscape architect confirming that the tree poses a danger.
For Commercial Property: A tree permit is mandatory.
Your property must be located within the City of Orlando limits.
Check Your Address
Submit your permit application along with any photographs of the tree to be removed and any relevant plans. The application fee is $25 for residential properties and $50 per acre for commercial ones.
Please allow up to three business days for processing once your application is in. Following communications will be directed to the property owner.
Complete the Application
Mark the tree designated for removal to assist our staff during inspection.
An arborist will inspect the tree within three business days and contact you to discuss the results.
Upon approval, your permit will be issued. If this is part of a larger project, ensure that the permit is uploaded under the corresponding project number in ProjectDox.
Look Up Permit
You are responsible for removing your tree safely.
If your permit requires replanting, you will need to plant the specified replacement tree(s) within 60 days.
Notify the city within 60 days of planting the replacement tree to avoid non-compliance.
Verify Your New Tree
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