Request a Free Street Tree

Do you want a tree planted in front of your house?

The City of Orlando will plant trees for homeowners along their streets for free. Trees cool our neighborhoods and reduce utility costs, flooding and heat-related illnesses.

Please note: You can submit a request for a tree from June 1 to August 31 each year. If your request is approved, we will plant your tree in the following winter. 


Step 1.Check your eligibility

You must be the owner of a home within city limits to request a free street tree.

Although your address may say Orlando, you might be in unincorporated Orange County or another nearby city. Use this map to double-check if the City of Orlando is your service provider before you request a free tree from the City of Orlando.

Step 2.Review our planting schedule

June - August

We take new requests for street trees only during the summer.

September - October

If we approve your request, we will contact you to confirm your request.

December - February

Trees are planted during this timeframe.

Step 3.Review our tree species and rules for tree locations

We offer several species of trees that are different based on size and growing conditions. Depending on our supplies or the season, some species may not always be available. We may also recommend a different type of species depending on your location.

Review Tree Types

Rules for tree locations

  • Some small trees may be planted if you have power lines or a narrow parkway.
  • Medium or large trees may be planted if the right-of-way is at least 6-feet-wide. These trees will grow taller.

All trees must be located in:

  • the right-of-way; or
  • the private part of your front yard that is 20 feet or less from the end of the right-of-way.
  • if you live on a corner lot, the private part of your side yard that is 20 feet or less from the end of the right-of-way.

We will confirm the placement of the tree according to our Right Tree, Right Place city policy. If we cannot plant your preferred tree, we will suggest another option based on your location. 

Step 4.Submit your application

Applications are now closed. 

Step 5.Confirm your request

We will contact you in September or October to let you know the status of your request. If we approve your request, you will need to confirm your interest in our program by email to move forward in the process.

If your request is not approved, we will contact you to let you know why.

Step 6.We will inspect the planting site

Our city crews will inspect the planting site to determine the best location for the tree(s) you requested and will email you with the results. Based on the results, we may recommend a new tree location or a different type of tree.

Step 7.We will plant the tree

City crews will plant the tree(s) at the approved location. The final location may shift due to underground utilities like water or gas lines.

Step 8.Water and care for your new tree

Please read our Tree Care Instructions to understand how to care for your tree.

We will not replace your tree if your tree dies due to lack of proper watering or care.