Building Construction Fire Permits and Inspections Guide

Building Construction Fire Permits and Inspections

A fire permit from the building permit department is required for projects involving fire suppression, fire alarms, and fire sprinklers.


  • Fire Suppression
  • Emergency Radio Signal Survey
  • Fire Alarm

Fire Suppression

A permit is required for all types of fire suppression, including but not limited to, clean agent, wet chemical hood system, overhead sprinkler/standpipe, and underground main installation.

Plan Requirements

Requirements are noted for each dedicated type per applicable NFPA standard.
For Fire Underground, installation plans and installation scope of work should include combination mains and dedicated fire mains starting at the right of way only. Engineers civil design plans will not be accepted. Installing contractor is responsible for submitting their own shop drawings for review.


Required Permit

A fire permit must be pulled by a licensed contractor as per fire prevention and control state statute, 633.102(3).


The applicable inspection codes can be located here.

Emergency Radio Signal Survey 

A new building under construction requires a radio signal survey test. Information on requirements and submittal process is located here.

Fire Alarm

A fire permit is required for all new and renovated fire alarm systems. Also required is an electrical low-voltage permit.

Fire Permit Application

Required Permits

Low-Voltage Electrical Permit Application

Plans Required

Requirements are detailed in NFPA 72.


The applicable inspection codes can be located here.