Request Fire Extinguisher Training

Do you want to learn how to use a fire extinguisher?

The Orlando Fire Department can provide Fire Extinguisher training for City businesses, organizations, and non-profit organizations.


Step 1.Check your eligibility

  • You must be a City of Orlando business, organization or non-profit organization. To see if you're in City limits, check your address.
  • This Fire Extinguisher Training utilizes live fire, not-simulated fire. All participants must be at least 18 years old.

Please note:

  • All requests are first-come, first-serve and are based upon availability.
  • Due to the high-volume of requests we receive, it may take up to two (2) weeks to respond to your request.

Step 2.Gather your information

We will need to know the number of individuals to be trained. Reminder, all participants must be 18 years old to participate.

For your fire extinguisher training, we will also need:

  • Dates and times for your training
  • Address of your event
  • If a fee is required, payment must be made prior to the class start date. 

Step 3.Request a training class

Please make your request at least four (3) weeks in advance of your desired appointment date. Classes are limited to one class per day, twice a month.

Request Fire Extinguisher Training

Step 4.Approved requests

If your request is approved, we will contact you to confirm the scheduled training date.