Domestic Violence

For immediate assistance, please call the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline at 800.500.1119,  TDD at 800.621.4202 or the Harbor House 24 Hour Hotline at 407.886.2856.

Or visit the following websites:

The Intimate Violence Enhanced Services Team (InVEST) is a unique program designed to provide intensive service management and assistance to individuals identified to be in potentially lethal situations. InVEST’s unique model allows law enforcement and DV centers to work together to identify victims at high risk for homicide and to enhance their possibility of receiving safety from further victimization.

Sponsored by The Orlando Police Department, The Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence and The State of Florida Department of Children and Families.


Every year, our Orlando Police officers respond to nearly 3,000 domestic violence calls.  Our officers see on a daily basis, violence committed by abusers who promised to love and protect the victim.

No matter how much we reduce crime on the streets, it doesn’t mean anything if any of our residents live in fear in their own home.

Our Orlando Police Department continues to make great strides in reducing incidents of Domestic Violence through partnerships with community organizations like Harbor House of Central Florida.

In August 2011, the City partnered with Harbor House of Central Florida and launched It Takes Courage, a domestic violence community education campaign aimed at dramatically reducing and even stopping domestic abuse. 


In that first year alone, there was a reduction of 189 domestic violence offenses when compared to previous years.

In 2014, that reduction has gone down by 819 domestic violence offenses when compared to pre-campaign year.

The City of Orlando remains committed to working together with our community to move the needle on domestic violence, not only making our residents safer, but also in many cases, saving their lives.

The Orlando Police Department has the only Domestic Violence Response Team(DVRT) in Central Florida. The team has been recognized as best practice by the Orange County Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission who recommended all agencies adopt similar strategies.  

The team consists of officers in first responder roles who assist other officers assigned to these calls and share advanced techniques in identifying primary aggressors and recognizing safety issues for the victims. Team members have mandatory quarterly training and participate in our many awareness events. DVRT officers also pro-actively follow-up on no contact orders. This has resulted in numerous re-arrests for violations of these orders and helps to prevent re-occurrences of domestic violence incidents.