LGBTQ Safe Place

A Safe Place decal.

The City of Orlando and the Orlando Police Department are committed to the safety of all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) residents and visitors.

The mission of the OPD Safe Place Initiative is to provide the LGBTQ community with easily accessible safety information and safe places throughout the city they can turn to if they are the victims of crime.

Through the Safe Place Initiative, OPD will provide decals to city facilities, local businesses and other organizations for those entities to post as a symbol of safety for the victims of LGBTQ crime.  

Anyone who seeks solace in a Safe Place location can be assured that if they are the victim of a crime, police will promptly be called. In addition to the 911 police response to these incidents, OPD has an LGBTQ liaison officer, Officer Danielle Torres, who has built partnerships within the LGBTQ community and is a resource for any questions or concerns our residents or visitors might have.