File a Complaint About an OPD Officer

The Orlando Police Department is committed to providing courteous and professional services to the residents, businesses, and visitors to the City of Orlando.

Anyone may submit a complaint regarding an OPD officer. If you feel an officer has acted improperly and you would like to make a complaint to an officer’s supervisor, you may contact them directly at 321.235.5300. The supervisor will contact you in an attempt to resolve the situation.

If you would like additional information or feel the complaint requires more action, you may contact the Internal Affairs Section and submit a Citizen Complaint Form in-person or online.


Step 1.Contact Internal Affairs

Contact Internal Affairs at 407.246.2352 or 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Step 2.Complete a Citizen Complaint Form

Fill Out the Form

Step 3.We will investigate your complaint

The incident will be handled by a supervisor or Internal Affairs, depending on the circumstances. If the complaint is handled by Internal Affairs, an investigator will contact you, complete a thorough investigation into the allegation, and produce a written report. 

Step 4.We will contact you

You will be informed of our findings by certified mail. 

In Person