Do you need to get fingerprinted for a job or volunteer work?
Get fingerprinted by Live Scan or on card stock at the Orlando Police Department.
You will need the following:
We no longer provide walk-in fingerprinting. Appointments can be scheduled up to 14 days in advance and are available at these times and locations:
Orlando Police Headquarters provides Live Scan and ink fingerprints.
Tuesday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m.1250 West South StreetOrlando, FL 32805
Schedule an appointment at Orlando Police Headquarters
Please arrive on time. If you are late for your appointment you will need to reschedule. Your appointment will take about 30 minutes.
Live Scan prints are $25 per transaction. Ink fingerprints are $15 per card. Orlando Police Headquarters only accepts credit cards, debit cards and money orders for payment.
Live Scan fingerprints will be sent to FDLE on the same day. You will receive instructions from the fingerprint technician on how to complete your background check.
Ink fingerprints will be given to you immediately.
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