Do you need a background check?
Do you need a background check for a job, housing, immigration, or adoption? Get one from the Orlando Police Department.
Gather your materials
You will need the following information to request a background check:
The Records Unit is open from 8 a.m. through 4:45 p.m., Monday through Thursday at:
Orlando Police Headquarters Records Unit 1250 West South Street Orlando, Fl 32805
Each background check is $10. We accept credit cards, debit cards, and money orders.
You will receive your background check immediately as a printed document.
You will need the following to request a background check:
Mail the information for your request and your self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Orlando Police Headquarters Attn: Records Unit 1250 West South Street Orlando, Fl 32805
We will send your background check by mail within three business days of receiving it.
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