Report Graffiti

Do you need to report graffiti on public property?

Keep Orlando Beautiful is committed to preserving the beauty of our public spaces. Our team removes graffiti from public property and connects private property owners to city resources which may help them combat graffiti.

Keep in mind:

  • Graffiti can take several weeks to remove, depending on where it's located.
  • Do not take photos or submit your report while driving.


Step 1.Gather your information 

Find the address or closest intersection of the location of the graffiti.

Step 2.Take a photo, if possible

Photos help the city find the graffiti faster.

Step 3.Report graffiti to us

Report Graffiti

If your private property was vandalized, you should also file a police report online or by phone at 321.235.5300.

Step 4.We'll review your request

Keep Orlando Beautiful will review your graffiti report and forward it to the appropriate agency. It can take several weeks for the responsible party to respond to the vandalism depending on the location of the graffiti.

You can ask general questions about graffiti in Orlando by emailing us at
