Fair Housing Plan

Orlando is a diverse, welcoming, multicultural community that is committed to the equality of its residents. We continue to work to ensure that every person, regardless of economic status, has access to quality housing that is safe and affordable.

The Housing and Community Development Department has been working to update the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice for the City of Orlando. This Fair Housing Plan identifies fair housing issues facing our community and recommends actions the city can take to eliminate housing discrimination and promote fair housing choices for everyone.

The DRAFT plan was approved by Orlando City Council on July 15, 2024. The plan will next be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, to certify compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Once approved, the plan will be posted to orlando.gov/housing under "Plans and Reports".

Enacted in 1968, the Fair Housing Act protects people who are renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage or seeking housing assistance, from discrimination based on their:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Disability (includes mental or physical impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities)
  • Familial status (includes having a child under 18, having temporary custody or seeking custody of a child under 18, or being pregnant)
  • National origin (includes country of birth and country of ancestry)

In addition to the protections from the Fair Housing Act, Chapter 57 of Orlando City Code also protects residents from discrimination based on sexual orientation and marital status.

Executive Order 13988 expands the discrimination protections offered on the basis of sex to include gender identity and sexual orientation.

The Office of Human Relations promotes equality of opportunity for citizens of Orlando by advocating policies of nondiscrimination and enforcing City and Federal laws that prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation. Please visit orlando.gov/humanrelations for more information.

The Housing and Community Development Department administers local, state and federal funds to plan, develop and implement programs and projects that meet identified needs in the community, such as home ownership, rental and owner-occupied housing rehabilitation, public facilities and improvements and assistance to the homeless and persons with HIV/AIDS. Please visit orlando.gov/housing for more information.