Finance Energy Improvements for your Property

Are you considering improving you property's energy or water efficiency and are looking for financial support? 

The City of Orlando's Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program helps home and business owners remove high upfront costs and provide low-interest financing to help modernize, mitigate wind damage and improve the energy and water efficiency of their property. PACE works for most types of properties, including commercial, industrial, agricultural, non-profits and many multi-family properties.


Step 1.Understand the program's benefits

The program uses approved third-party administrators that provide funding through a special assessment done on your property. As a result, the loan stays with the property and allows the assessment to transfer when a home or building is sold.

Payments for the assessment are made through annual property taxes. This assessment can be amortized over a period of 5-20 years to allow for cost-saving results from the improvements to be used to pay back the amount owed.

PACE financing can be used to add or upgrade any of the following:

  • Lighting
  • Heating or cooling systems
  • Insulation, motors or water pumps
  • Solar panels
  • Storm/hurricane hardening
  • Wind hazard mitigation
  • Water efficiency such as low-flow and other water-efficiency devices

Step 2.Choose a PACE administrator to contact

One of these local administrators will help you find a contractor to figure out which energy upgrades make sense for your property. They will also arrange 100% financing that you can repay for up to 20 years with an assessment added to your property tax bill that will offset your assessment payments each year.

See the List