Parks Master Plan

Orlando is home to more than 100 parks. Through the creation of a new citywide parks master plan, we have committed to building more parks and creating better access to the parks we already have. 

Residents are invited to get involved as we create our new Parks Master Plan. We're looking for your park ideas, playground dreams, recreation requests and thoughts on trails.

Have your say in the planning for the future of our parks by attending one of our community meetings.

City of Orlando Families, Parks and Recreation Department will analyze the existing inventory of parks and green spaces in the city. Surveys will be conducted online and in person for city residents to provide feedback on existing parks, how they use them and what improvements they would suggest as well as options residents would like to see in the future. A complete catalog of all recreation programs operated or facilitated by Families, Parks and Recreation will also be created.

All parks and recreation centers will be evaluated for existing services provided and how those services can be improved to serve the growing needs of a growing city.

FPR seeks to develop a citywide network of high performing green spaces via Green Streets and Trails that will connect to other green spaces, such as the two-and-a-half mile Underhill Path which connects the Park of The America to Lake Underhill Park, Colonel Joe Kittinger Park and Festival Park. This study will identify streets, parks and trails that can be knit together to provide better access to current parks.


Orlando has been selected as one of twelve cities to receive a U.S. Conference of Mayors 10-Minute Walk Planning Grant and Technical Assistance from National Recreation and Parks Association with support from The JPB Foundation. The grant will pay $40,000 towards the creation of this new citywide Parks Master Plan.

Other funding will come from the Parks Impact Fee put into effect March 1, 2017.