Please note, at this time some services are not available for in-person transactions, including public records, traffic citations and fingerprinting. Please call or email ahead of time to determine your options.
View active calls for service being handled by officers of the Orlando Police Department.
Interact with our Citizen Connect map of 911 and non-emergency calls that have been dispatched to an officer and officer-initiated calls for service.
Some types of Orlando Police Department records are available online.
Do you need a background check for a job, housing, immigration, or adoption? Get one from the Orlando Police Department.
You can request a copy of your crash report online to submit to your insurance company.
Do you need to get Live Scan or ink fingerprints?
The Orlando Police Department is looking for tips on missing persons, unsolved homicides, and cold cases. Your information could help solve cases and bring closure to families.
The data, which covers officer involved shootings from 2009 to present, also includes a link to letters outlining the resolution of the case by the State Attorney’s Office.