Apply for a Live Local Project Pre-Application Meeting

Are you looking to start a new residential project under the Live Local Program?

Start the Administrative Master Plan review process by scheduling a pre-application meeting with City staff.


Step 1.Check your eligibility

Make sure your property is located in the city limits. Although your mailing address may say "Orlando", certain areas of the region are under Orange County jurisdiction.

For detailed information on the qualifying districts, please refer to page 2 of the City Live Local Policy.

Verify Your Address

Step 2.Request a pre-application meeting

Provide the property address and a description of your project along with supporting documents.

Complete the Form

Step 3.We will contact you

We will contact you within two business days to schedule your pre-application meeting.

Step 4.Formally submit a Live Local Act application

After your pre-application meeting, you'll receive a link to submit your Live Local Act project for review. For details on the process, refer to our guide on Special Permitting Rules and Procedures for Live Local Act Affordable Housing Projects.