Corrine Drive Safety Improvements

corrine drive midblock concept image

Corrine Drive is an important economic and cultural focal point in Orlando’s nearby neighborhoods and Audubon Park Garden District. The roadway was originally configured based on the need to move heavy equipment from the Naval Training Center to US 17-92. That need has long been gone but the road remains relatively unchanged.

In 2019, MetroPlan Orlando published the Corrine Drive Complete Streets Study. The study looked at Corrine Drive showcased how Complete Streets techniques can shape a corridor.

In 2022, the city took ownership of Corrine Drive and immediately begun improvements for the road, such as interim resurfacing, accessibility upgrades and pop-up projects.

To provide a safe place to cross Corrine Drive from popular destinations in the Audubon Park Garden District, we are installing a midblock crosswalk. 

  • The crosswalk will have the city's first Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB)
    • It signals a driver to stop so people may cross the roadway
  • It will be located on Corrine Drive, between East End Avenue and Northwood Terrace Drive
  • Construction is set to begin June 2022 and end August 2022
  • Travelers can expect partial lane closures during construction

The new PHB is part of our Vision Zero efforts to improve safety on our roadways. 

PHBs can reduce pedestrian crashes by 55% and total crashes by 29%


Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon flashing lights
  1. Drive with care
  2. When yellow lights flash, slow down. Someone has activated the push button to cross
  3. When yellow light solid, prepare to stop
  4. When red lights solid, stop for people to cross
  5. When red lights flashing, and if crosswalk is clear, you may proceed with caution

People Walking and Biking

  1. Push the button when you’re ready to cross, wait
  2. (When walk person signal appears) Start crossing
  3. When countdown flashes, finish crossing
  • January 2022 - City of Orlando took ownership of Virginia Drive, Forest Avenue, and Corrine Drive
  • April 2022 – City completed interim resurfacing ($31,000)
  • May 2022 – City partnered with Orlando Bike Coalition to install a pop-up path installed as part of Bike and Roll to School Day
  • June 2022 – Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon installation ($500,000 funded through Orlando STOPS – Safety Funds)
  • Fiscal Year 2024 – Complete Streets Project Engineering and Design
  • Fiscal Year 2026 – Complete Streets Project Construction
    • Total estimated project costs $14,500,000
    • $3,150,000 funded Federal Metropolitan Area TMA fund
    • $11,000,00 unfunded

City of Orlando Transportation department will construct a quick-build bike path on the north side of Corrine Drive. The city will convert an underutilized parking lane into the path separated from traffic.

This pilot path will use semi-permanent materials, providing safety guards between vehicular travel lanes and the quick-build project. Additional safety improvements include green conflict markings, a new pedestrian signal at Palm Lane, and bike crossing for the Bumby Path.

Installation was completed September 2023.

Corrine Quick Build Map

As a short-term, low-cost installation, the pilot path has served as a proof of concept, allowing the City to gather data, test durability and maintenance needs of new materials, develop partnerships and garner support within the Audubon Park community.

View Pilot Path Executive Summary(PDF, 67KB)


Corrine Drive between East End Avenue and Northwood Terrace Drive, Orlando, FL 32803  View Map

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