Ellwood Avenue Sanitary Sewer Replacement

Last updated on September 04, 2024

A photo of a road closure sign on a street with a white City of Orlando pick up truck parked near the sign.

The City of Orlando, in collaboration with its contractor, will be upgrading the current gravity sanitary sewer system, including the lateral connections. The existing sewer system, made of old clay and concrete pipes, is in very poor condition and has required numerous repairs due to leaking joints.

Once the project is complete, the contractor will reconstruct the brick roadway, which will be replaced with new bricks.

We anticipate construction and rebricking the roadway will be completed by the spring of 2025.

The project will take place on Ellwood Avenue between W Colonial Drive and Alba Drive. We anticipate the project will start on south on Ellwood Avenue at Colonial Drive and move north to Alba Drive.

Please be advised, should the contractor experience unforeseen circumstances the information stated above is subject to change. 

Project work will occur Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. There may be times when night or work on Saturdays will be necessary. Night and Saturday work will only be necessary should unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather occur.

During construction, first responders and emergency vehicles will have priority access.

Other potential impacts are: 

  • Ellwood Avenue will be closed to through traffic. The barrier fence/planter will need to be temporarily removed during construction.
  • The potential increase for noise during project hours.

  • The installation of temporary traffic signs and message boards.

  • Temporary road detours and road closures.

  • Temporary sidewalk detours and sidewalk closures.

  • There may be times when a driveway or entrance are briefly impacted.

Should any of the potential impacts above occur, the contractor will attempt to find feasible solutions for residents and businesses. 

Potential Adverse Weather:

The contractor and city will monitor the weekly weather forecast. The contractor may elect not to work should rain or adverse weather be in the weather forecast, regardless if rain actually occurs.

Should a weather event occur, the contractor may find it necessary to take one or two days to remediate the project area before beginning work again.

Potential Utility Conflicts:

Safety and maintaining continuous utility service are our number one priority. Delays like this are sometimes necessary to maintain our commitment. 

Capital improvement projects are fluid. Our consultant, contractor, and project manager do an excellent job designing, engineering, and constructing projects. However, once the contractor opens the roadway, it is not uncommon to find utilities not mapped, declared, or in conflict with the current design or path of the new utilities. 

The contractor may need to delay working until a solution is readily available to resolve the conflict. 

Unexpected Utility Damage (Non-City Utilities):

Please be advised, the contractor or the city cannot and will not make repairs to cable, internet, fiber lines, water or power lines.

Constituents must contact their service provider as soon as possible if this unforeseen event occurs.

The service provider will make repairs. Upon notifying the service provider, please contact the construction manager or inspector and inform them of your situation.

Where will the project take place?

The contractor will make utility improvements on Ellwood Avenue between W Colonial Drive and  Alhba Drive.

How long will the project take?

The contractor estimates the project will take one year to complete.

What if I have an emergency?

Should an emergency occur, first responders and emergency vehicles will have priority access.

What do I do if I experience an interruption in utility service or have a problem?

For Sanitary Sewer:
To report an unexpected sanitary sewer service outage, please contact the City of Orlando at 407.246.2213.

For Water and Power:
To report an unexpected power or water outage, please contact OUC at 407.423.9018.

How will this project impact me?

Constituents living near and around the project may experience road closures, detours, lane shifts, sidewalk closures, and sidewalk detours. There is a potential for an increase in noise during project hours.

Businesses and residents may experience temporary road closures, lane shifts, and sidewalk closures. There may be times when a driveway or parking lot will be briefly impacted. Should this occur, the city's contractor will coordinate with impacted businesses and residents to find feasible accommodations.

What are the project hours? When will work occur?

Work hours are between hours are 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Should the contractor experience adverse weather or unforeseen circumstances, night and work on Saturdays may become necessary.

I have concerns about traffic and pedestrians.

To maintain entrance and egress efficiency for Camping World and the MLS Stadium, the Project Management and Transportation Divisions will monitor scheduled events. Should it become necessary, one or both divisions will provide the competitive bid contractor with recommendations to remove opportunities for unnecessary stress placed upon city roadways.

You may also contact the city's Transportation Division to report a traffic or safety concern. Please dial 407.246.2281, and a transportation professional will assist you.

Will the city collect trash on its normal schedule?

Yes, the city will collect trash on its regular schedule. Should a missed collection occur, please dial 407.246.2314, or email swcustomersvc@orlando.gov.


Ellwood Avenue between West Colonial Drive and Alba Drive, Orlando, FL   View Map

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