The project will undergo completion across eight Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) phases, each involving full road closures. Night work is scheduled specifically at the Lake Highland Preparatory School entrances.
The road will be demolished curb-to-curb for the construction of the utilities.
During construction, there might be an occasion when certain residents will not be able to use their driveways. Before blocking any driveways, the contractor will provide residents with advance notice and recommend alternative parking spots on the street. If a driveway is inaccessible, the City of Orlando’s Solid Waste Division will coordinate with the contractor and residents regarding trash and recycling collection drop-off areas.
Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. First responders and emergency vehicles will have priority access in an emergency. Unforeseen circumstances and adverse weather can create delays that increase the project's duration and create opportunities for weekend work.