Virginia- Forest- Corrine Corridor Project

corrine drive midblock concept image

Corrine Drive is an important economic and cultural focal point in Orlando’s nearby neighborhoods and Audubon Park Garden District. The roadway was originally configured based on the need to move heavy equipment from the Naval Training Center to US 17-92. That need has long been gone but the road remains relatively unchanged.

In 2019, MetroPlan Orlando published the Corrine Drive Complete Streets Study. The study looked at Corrine Drive showcased how Complete Streets techniques can shape a corridor.

In 2022, the city took ownership of Corrine Drive and immediately begun improvements for the road, such as interim resurfacing, accessibility upgrades and pop-up projects.

Building on the findings of the 2019 study, the city initiated the design process for the Virginia Drive-Corrine Drive corridor (spanning approximately 2.6 miles from Orange Avenue to Bennett Road) in late 2024. As of early 2025, the project remains partially unfunded, and construction plans and timelines have yet to be determined.



Corrine Drive between East End Avenue and Northwood Terrace Drive, Orlando, FL 32803  View Map