Apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Minor Review

Do you want to make minor changes to your historic property?

To protect the city's historic districts and landmarks, our Historic Preservation Board offers guidance to help you get a Certificate of Appropriateness and necessary permits.

Minor review projects include:

  • Fences and gates (Note: plastic or vinyl materials are not allowed)
  • Awnings
  • Small signs
  • Driveways
  • Walkways and steps
  • Mechanical and irrigation systems
  • Small accessory structures less than 100 square feet
  • Paint color (where required)
  • Paving materials and artificial turf
  • Roofs (color where required)
  • Window replacement
  • Siding replacement
  • Foundation skirting and stabilization
  • Exterior lighting
  • Doors and garage doors
  • Solar installations

For more comprehensive projects, you must apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Major Review.


Step 1.Check your location

Make sure your property is located in a historic district or is a local historic landmark.

View Historic Districts

View Historic Landmarks

Step 2.Fill out an application

The application must be completed by the property owner or an authorized agent. There is no fee for a minor review. 

Complete the Form

Step 3.We will contact you

We will contact you within five days with a project number and instructions to upload your plans.  

Step 4.Upload your project plans

You will receive an email that will include a link to ProjectDox and a temporary password to log in.

For a list of required documents by scope of work, see HP Required Documents.

Submit Your Plans

Step 5.We will review your plans

We will review your project and contact you with next steps.

Step 6.Get your Certificate of Appropriateness

If approved, we will notify you and your certificate will be in the "approved" folder in ProjectDox. If denied or you disagree with the decision, you must pay $250 for a full Historic Preservation Board review. Call 407.246.2172 for more information.

Step 7.Get your permits

You may now apply for any required permits.

Apply for Permits