Downtown Loop

Bicyclist using the Downtown Loop

The Downtown Loop is a multiuse trail project, that when finished, will create a 8.5 mile loop through the greater downtown Orlando area and will provide residents with a car-free option to access shopping, dining, entertainment, parks, offices and services. Made up of primarily off-street bikeways, the Downtown Loop will encompass more than a dozen neighborhoods and connect to the Orlando Urban Trail, Gertrude’s Walk, Lake Underhill Path, Bumby Path and Cady Way Trail.

Three projects recently opened:

  • Orlando Urban Trail Gap Project completed the segment between the Colonial Drive Overpass at Orange Avenue and Magnolia Avenue at Weber Street 

  • Gertrude’s Walk Phase 4 Project – completed the segment along Gertrude’s Walk from Livingston Street to Jefferson Street

  • Downtown Connector Trail  – completed the segment from Summerlin Avenue to the Lake Underhill Path, on the south side of Anderson Street 

The last couple miles of the Downtown Loop will be completed by separating it into segments and constructing segments in project phases over time. Currently in design is the Washington Street segment that extends from Garland Avenue to Magnolia Avenue Segments to follow the completion of the Washington Street segment include Magnolia Avenue, Pine Street, Eola Drive and Summerlin Avenue. Trail design will add a mix of sidewalk level and street level separated bike lanes and wide sidewalks.